Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Using 〜ておく, in preparation of doing something.

おく is the verb you use when you want to express that what you are doing is in preparation for something else, or doing something in advance. It is always used with a verb in て form before it, and is often paired with a 前に clause.

I bought food before the party (in order to prepare for it).
Before (my) Graduation Ceremony, I send out invitations (in advance).
Before riding the train, (I) buy a ticket (in advance).
I do my homework before going to class (to prepare for it).

There are also casual ways to say "ておく", these are とく and どく.
とく is used when the て-form of a verb ends with て.
Examples: たべておく→たべとく、買っておく→買っとく
どく is used when the て-form of a verb ends with で.
Examples: 飲んでおく→飲んどく、読んでおく→読んどく
Since this is a CASUAL way of saying ておきます, you will never use とく or どく in ます form, it just sounds weird.
Here are some examples:
Before my friend comes, I clean my room (in preparation for their arrival).
Before the exam, I read the textbook (in preparation for it).


  1. Hi viky, will you post more japanese grammas in the future?
    Like the chapter four/five of the third term.
    And probably the forth term japanese gramma?

    Thank you so much~!
    Always support you ^_^

  2. I'll start posting again once the semester begins~! I don't actually have the textbook, so I have to go off of memory with these posts. Come see me in tutoring if you have any question~!
