Friday, September 16, 2011

Languages are Weird: An Introduction

Languages are weird. Especially the English language. This blog is mostly about the adventures I have while tutoring the English language to International Students. I'll also be throwing in stories about being a Japanese Teaching Assistant and Tutor at the local Junior College.

How about I describe what I do a bit more:
English tutoring: I have many International friends, and I am constantly helping them with their English homework, or just the language in general. 99% of this takes place at Starbucks, I basically use it as my classroom/office/home/everything. I sometimes volunteer at the local ESL school and help out the students there. Also, I tutor a middle school boy from Japan.
Japanese Teaching Assistant: I TA for 2 Japanese classes at the local JC: 1st Term Japanese, and the 3rd/4th Term class (it's combined).
Japanese Tutoring: I work for the school tutoring Japanese. I get paid for this (yay!), compared to TAing, which is volunteer work.

A little about me personally: I'm 22 years old, have been studying Japanese and Psychology (as well as studying in Japan for a summer), I basically live in Starbucks, and most of my friends are International Students or Americans who (like me) want to become ESL teachers. I will be taking the Oxford Series seminars to get TESOL certified, and hopefully be able to get a job abroad...because California's economy sucks.

The reason I started this blog: I need something to keep me sane after moving back in with my parents and not having a job that is able to pay rent (hence, living with my parents).Also, there are lots of fun and interesting tidbits that I learn about languages and culture everyday, and I thought I should write them down.

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